Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday at home

I think I was too excited to sleep last night.  I know I've been so excited to come home, so for the last week I haven't made it through a full night without waking up, and now that I'm finally here, I feel like I don't want to waste time sleeping!  I know that sounds funny, but it's the truth.

So today began with me unable to sleep, so late night/early morning blogging, followed by sporadic sleep.  When we were finally up and about, it was time for some outlet mall shopping (I made it through without buying anything! - A first for me I think!), followed by some quality tractor supply store time and a delicious pizza lunch with Katy's parents.  I can't say that I've ever had taco pizza before, but it was great! I think that in the future, Doritos on a pizza could definitely be called for.

After lunch, we drove down to Toledo for...more shopping!  We were trying to kill time before our movie, so we wandered around the mall and tried hard to avoid spending more money.  Once again we succeeded!  (The same won't be said tomorrow though, I can guarantee)

We saw Footloose which was amazing.  I can only say that I wish I could move like Julianne Hough lol.  There was great music as well as amazing acting.  I can't wait to see it again.  I will say that I cried, but I was luckily able to keep it under control.  I highly recommend this movie!

Dinner at Olive Garden with Katy and my Dad was a nice way to round out our Sunday.  Soup and salad gave the cozy feel on this brisk day, and I think after this long night and some writing, I will hopefully be able to sleep tonight!

Yesterday and today were disappointing days for Michigan sports, but there's nowhere else I'd rather be.  There is nothing like walking into the local stores and seeing University of Michigan, Tigers, Lions and Red Wings apparel.  It just feels like home.  I wouldn't change anything about being able to come here for a week or a weekend, whatever the time may be.  It's worth it to be able to spend a bit of time with the people who mean so much to me.

Time for some rest, more tomorrow...

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